Seeker Tresaria will not respond to me :\


Dalayan Beginner
In-game name: Clom
Level: 40
Class: Bard

Working on the MQ, finished part two side-quest (kill the elemental, hand in the core and get XP, all verified), and now Seeker Tresaria will not respond to me. I've tried /cm d1, the wiki-documented prompts.


email: [email protected]
Specify: I can keep summoning the elemental, but Seeker Tresaria will not take them (I've already given her one).
I am also having the exact same problem on my Druid Char Vayas the seeker wont speak to me and i can keep doing the elemental thing.

I've actually went so far as to getting all the items for part 3 and turning them in to see if thats where i left off but no one will talk
Do not know what you all may have done wrong, Completed it to the insight gem just a few moments ago.

Elemental came died and gave me his experience turnin without any drama.
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