See wait...I'm almost back...


Dalayan Elder
EDIT: If I can get myself all patched up and avoid this damn 1017 error, I'll be back...buuuut it's not working out just yet. Go to technical support and help me k? Thanks. :)


I'm out. Many reasons why. Some game related, some hobby related, some real life related. None of my characters will be in game unless it's me. I don't loan out or give accounts to anyone.

So a fond farewell to all the people I've enjoyed spending time with in game.

Thanks to Revelation for welcoming me into the guild.

Thanks Carissa for Berserk and my introduction to Guts. ;)

Thanks to Sheck for helping me track down the elusive Gold Key...

Later all

I was:


and a few others...
See ya

Awww. I hope you change your mind and come back, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Jayelle is right, I need someone to pick up on my sometimes obscure movie references on IRC.

Anyway, good luck! Hope all is and remains well!

See ya

Does this mean the band is breaking up? :(

Here's to hoping rl treats you well! Stop by and say hey now and then while you're out and about.
See ya

Nothing more to be said, just good luck to you. We will miss you (ok, Ikaa maybe not *evilgrin*)
See ya

awww =( you make me sad :*( ill miss you come back soon if you can, visit in IRC please!
i wish you well in the real world. yours hason the warrior. um...want me to leave again already? Gee, I haven't done anything to you...

And yes, the real world is well, but sometimes I like fake ones too. Worlds are like breasts... the real deal is great, but sometimes you can see some nice fake ones.
Looking forward to seeing you in game. While you can't play, come visit in IRC. Oh yeah, and reboot. That should fix it :psyduck:
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