Sea of Swords


Dalayan Beginner
I had an issue this afternoon.
I was swimming accross the SoS when i suddenly got stuck underwater (as if if was ported or so), and could NOT move away from that spot, so was drowning.
I /exit the game to avoid death and exp debt.
Whenever i tried to log back in i crashed after the char selection screen (3 times).
I petitionned from another toon and Liam was here very soon to move my stuck toon elsewhere.

Now comes the interresting part.

I take the boat back to SoS (since i have unfinished businees there) and crash while zoning in.
Now every time I try to relauch my client i crash after char selection screen for that toon.

Is there a fix i need to do on my PC ???


i was in the zone with xhas this morning and now im having the same problem i was just gonna post about it when i saw yours. i can log onto other chars in other zones but cant make a anew char either. i typed up the error message.
Everquest has detected that your client may have crashed

it is often possible to determine where and why the crash occured.
click yes to send this data back to the developers in an effort to help the stability of the game.

the only personal information that will be sent with the data is the character logged in, the server they were on and the zone they were in at the time.

also i tried to delete the oot files and repatch them it didnt help.
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