Screen flips out


Dalayan Beginner
Ive got the latest video driver for my radeon 9800, but the picture goes wild when i login. It looks sort of like the polygons whack out and fuzzy colors go all over. Sort of like a really bad TV reception.

Any ideas?
Friend has this problem. All he does is reboot his computer and starts fresh. His goes all wacky after playing another game then going to WR. But once he reboots his system and goes straight to WR the game plays fine. He says the clue to knowing if you need to reboot is when you go through the SOE splash screen and you see the bottom of the screen flicker, you need to reboot.

But that is his system. It might actually work, give it a try. Worst that happens is that you spend a few minutes waiting.
tried :( same problem

maybe it had to do with me enabling caching? going to try to delete the zones ive already entered and repatch them then enter without caching.
It looks sort of like the polygons whack out and fuzzy colors go all over.

This sounds like the card's overheating, can you play other games without any trouble?
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