
Dalayan Adventurer
Join Us
Female characters predominately we do accept Males in the sense of roleplay we are calling them Consorts.
We are not doing high end raids yet. We are gathering numbers and grouping so everyone can obtain 65 optimally.
We are hoping to implement a system where each adept is killed ~the idea is elite group called (something)..um adept killers.

There is no level requirement to enter the guild. We are new so all classes are open at this time. Starting level 1 noobs will go against the rat adept and then go from there. We are currently looking at Saturday or Sunday mornings/ afternoon 1pm eastern (EST) as the appointed time for Adept kills and group kills. Anytime is good for xp'ing for Scorn. The sooner to 65 the better. An Adept take down schedule will be posted (including the date and times). Currently planning on the kill of The Beetle Queen and The Miststalker, providing we have availability. Hopefully, the pool will be big enough that everyone will be grouped with others (w/n a 3 lvl range). So, if your main is fem and you want to incorporate her into the guild....we will be accepting all levels and she is welcome. I myself own a 61 Rog/DE ( with an alt lv 12 Fayttal) and Ligon has a 50 Warrior who will be signing with Scorn. Raiding parties have a limit of 18, so I am asking all Scorn 'future' members to enlist their higher level toons; so that when lvl 65 is obtained raiding may begin ASAP. Grouping should become easier now, since members of the guild will be available to help other members of the guild.

Now, onto the rules of the guild.

1) Have fun.

2) Role Playing is MAJOR. Some of the inter-actions may find there way into the Dalaya libraries.

3) Participation is not going to be a must. However, if you don't show up for bout' a year; don't be surprised to be back in the "Dalaya's Beginner" guild.

There is a web page that is currently a "slow" (according to Lorrum) work in progress.

We will be looking and needing officers for the guild (per class).
Aileja Tairensoul--guild leader
Ligon the Mayor--1st officer
Nika--2nd officer

If you have any experience, or want to gain experience, as an officer; please consider nominating yourself. Anyone wanting to be a class officer please send a note to myself or Ligon. For all noob starters--we thought that a 'group' surname (at lvl 20) would be interesting and cool. Please think on this and let us know your feelings on that subject.

4. No shit talking use common sense and courteousy.

So far that is it.


“Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite SCORN in our hearts”
Recuiting Members

Need to Delete...sorry (can't figure out how to delete....) New post coming soon reguarding member recuiting
Alright ladies and gents we are making one last serious go at forging an empire.....lol. Seek Ligon or Aileja to join our team our raiding plans intend to be SUN and THUR 4 to 5 hour blocks at the least. Sunday from 7-12pm eastern and Thursday 6-11 eastern. We are starting at the bottom of the tier as soon as we feel we have enough to make a good go. Bring your alts or create one to join the Adept Killers we are on Angar atm July will be his death. Be a part of the fun, the crazy, the zany, the girls of Dalaya and their consorts who fight along side them.
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