Saying my hello's... Hello!


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I joined SoD a while ago and never thought to mention myself. So, say hello to... myself (lol those jokes are only funny in my head).
I have been working on an Erudite Mage, and a High Elf Paladin to find out what I play best with. Some days I just can't kite, and some days tanking gets me a lot of exp debt.
Feel free to message me, I am some-what friendly.
Anyway, I wish everyone happy hunting and great luck!
Manuals are for stupid people :p i find it incredibly fun to just try buttons and such and see what they do, i find that i learn ALOT faster that way too.. (this goes for everything that i know is not inherently dangerous.. not gonna be pressing the Huge red button that says launch in a nuclear silo :D)

anyways, Great to have ya, hope you enjoy yourself as much as the rest of us, feel free to send me a tell or 2 if you have any questions :)
(character names are in my sig)
lol, I used to be a button masher. Then I learned the art of combos at an early age... man did that save a lot of time, and gettin' my butt beat by the bigger kids :(

Thanks for the welcome, I hope to see ya on and say hi personally!
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