Saying Hi and a little about myself!


Dalayan Beginner
Well it feels good to be back to "the game". I started playing when I was around 12 years old when Kunark was released and played till Gates of Discord or so. Ended with a level 60 Warrior and level 49 Rogue. One on Karana server and the Rogue on the Nameless Server.

Anyway, I've played pretty much every triple A MMO between "the game" and Warhammer Online, and I simply cannot get that fixation that I got from this. When I came back (yesterday) I realized it's because of how hard everything is compared to every other MMO. You don't have arrows or waypoints telling you where to go or the option for Instant Text Quests with one button acceptance. Around 1 AM PST last night, I was trying to get to the Storm Sea from GSM and without looking at the wiki, it seemed impossible! But between help from very nice SoD players and the wiki, I was able to get there and start my MQ for the Dream. And I love not knowing where I'm going and having to find out the info on my own, it just gets me even more intune with the game.

All in all, I'll be here for quite awhile and I'd just like the thank everyone apart of the Staff here for hosting this and doing all the work you've done to it! As an old "Game" player, I love being able to enjoy it again and for free :)

If any of you get a chance, just send a tell to Cireson, my druid, and introduce yourself! Love meeting new people.
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