Saying Hello!


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys. Just thought I would say what's up to everyone. I have been messing around with server and very happy with it. A big thank you for making this happen. A fun game without all the new age graphics.

There are about 80,000 questions you will have in the next few months... Most of them will be answered by the wiki or asking in the "newbie" guild. My name is Nylab in game if you play in the mornings est till about 3ish. Please ask freely in /ooc or whatvs and don't be terrible. You can do whatever you want with this game if you aren't!
Welcome aboard, Deadfish! If you're a through-and-through purist for the old school graphics, make sure to deactivate Luclin models, too. :)

Have you already decided on a main class and/or a 2-box combo (if you're going that route)?
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