Saying hello.


Dalayan Beginner
Hi all.

I managed to get SoD up and running on my machine in the last couple of days, in spite of my own stupidity. Warning, I tend to ramble, so read the following at your own risk.

I played on live for a couple of years, but I've been away from the game for about a year and a half, if memory serves. Before I left (couldn't budget paying for the game from month to month) I looked into running a local emu server, so that I could run around and solo to my heart's content, but turned out to be way too complicated for me. Left the genre for a while to play various offline games, but having been missing my old monkey a lot, so I started the Emu search again, and found SoD. OTher than a couple of graphics issues, I'm having a blast so far. One of them is fixed, a dual core issue which has been addressed ad nauseum on the forum. The other I need to keep searching about.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and if you see an underaged monk running around who appears to have no idea how to properly adhere to his role (always overburdened and a horrible puller) feel free to say hello, or berate me, or smack me in the head.
Heh welcome! Monks are terrible pullers until they get Feign Death, and then it only seems to fail and hose your party anyway. But it makes for interesting camping, no such thing as level grinding when you're constantly fighting to survive ;)

As for the weight problem, thats easily solved. Dual box a STR buffing pack mule!

Welcome- you'll find this much different than live, and much more fun. The thought "Man - I haven't been here for YEARS!" seems to come up alot...
Thanks. Just starting boxing a cleric. She now bears the brunt of the looting duties. :)

Also, played a monk on live, and even after maxing FD, I was a terrible puller. I had started my game life as a necro, and a couple of guildmates remarked that I may enjoy the monk class more after seeing the way I rushed into melee to save pets when mana ran dry. Needless to say, I wasn't a very good necro, either. :)
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