Saying hello from Brell


Dalayan Beginner
hearing good things about the game. Going to check it out since I havn't been a hardcore gamer in a couple years, i am going to check out SoD casually=) My was was Reyy (barb warrior) in EQ. made a wizard named Krondor for SoD. Say hi if ya wanna relive the old stories about a game that was fun 8yrs ago=)
Hey cool, I was on Brell from the day it opened until Velious, and then off an on after that. I don't recall Reyy off the top of my head, but that is not unusual, I cannot recall half of my own guildmates.

What guild were you in way back when?
I started out with Elysian, then when guild folded, I moved on to SR/Watchers, then when we split off I was with Watchers. My charictor is still active in the guild. I just don't play haha. I quit a couple years ago but came back off an on to get my warrior his epic 2.0.
Heyas. Jookai from brell here. Got into sod to check out the lore and whatnot, not sure if I can actually play or what, I dont really have time to game anymore beyond a few hours here and there. Got the lady to try out some lowbies so who knows.
This server seems to be laid back and has alot of work put into it and I do want to see how the story from the Mq unfolds if I can so maybe I will see you around on Jookayze the necro.
Hey anarth here from brell, just starting up again myself and gonna try out SoD, look forward to playing with you all
Sup i was Aluadon on live. Was a Watchers Druid. i play a rogue named Aluadonn in revelation here. Wasup jookai! Hiya Reyy
What's up fellow Watchers, Reyy and Aluadon. Its Flyn / Perryn / Dausheit. Just bored and looking around and found this. Reinstalling and gonna check it out. See you online.
Good to see S'more Brell /Cazics here #=D
Clearly you remember me, as we were guilded together before i went to SR till the end of my EQ career. Good to see you came to SoD, hunt me and Alu down and well recall good ol Watchers times.
Niha #=D
I'm also originally from Brell Serilis on Live. Played a druid named Yulanaia Eternalost from when Verant folded till shortly after the frogs were introduced. My present main here (was my first toon, first main, then I left her for a while, now she's my main again) is a 'descendant' of that Yulanaia, also a druid, and also Yulanaia Eternalost.

Yeah, I've been on SoD for a while, just thought I'd join this little reunion.
Originally from brell as well, Fenixa Everborn, 65 Mage from Exemplar, played from Kunark to LoY.
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