

Dalayan Beginner
I recently downloaded the patch files and got started this weekend.

I've watched this shard off and on since first hearing about it, back when it was WR. I finally caved and gave it a shot. I've played a host of MMOs over the years, and none of them recreated the feeling of the Game for me. ( I quit shortly after god.) I tried out the Progression servers that the Company launched last year and even those didn't feel the same. Perhaps I was a tad jaded, but there was just too much changed from what Game was to what it is.

So far, I must say I am mightly impressed by the accomplishments of Wiz and company. The Game theme song has been playing in my head all weekend long and I've been excited about it. I've even started contacting some of my friends that I have stayed in touch with over the years to let them know about Shards of Dalaya and suggesting they give it a shot.

Thanks to Wiz and crew for maintaining this opportunity. And thanks to the community of SoD at large for exhibiting a great atmosphere of enjoyable and social gaming.

I look forward to seeing you in game.
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