Dalayan Adventurer
Today someone asked me how often it procs, I said to be honest its not very often. So I fired up my GamParse and gave it a run...
Fact of the matter is, out of 2 hours of grinding away on gators... It never proc'd once in 1 hour, I did get 470 procs of froggy lifetaps and 411 shourd of death procs and 512 spear of pain porcs but not a single life siphon proc (from Sai of Sapping)
Fact of the matter is, out of 2 hours of grinding away on gators... It never proc'd once in 1 hour, I did get 470 procs of froggy lifetaps and 411 shourd of death procs and 512 spear of pain porcs but not a single life siphon proc (from Sai of Sapping)