Rust Factory Machine Key


Dalayan Beginner
I think I have a problem with some rust turn-in.

I am factioning with machines being indifferently at the moment of turn in. The machine named (who pops up after talking to a normal machine, with * version) tells me I have to kill Rust Lord and give him an item. I tried to give him the Mask RustLord drops but he allways return it to me (I supossed the Mask was the item he wants as TM told me once it was the common item the one for the turn ins and I've gotten about 6 or 7 masks and only 1 other loot all times I killed him).

Is it bugged or am I doing a wrong turn in?

PS: There is also a little error on the Machine named. In one of the conversations about lore of the zone you have a line that says something about "tell me about scavangers". It doesn't work, it work though if you spell scavengers.

Thanks in advance for your time =)
Sorry, I'm afraid you're just really "lucky" and you got the uncommon item the most. However, since Rust Lord only has two drops, if you still have the other item you can turn it in for a key =P

For all three cases, the characters want items that were theirs back. While a machine wouldn't have much use for the 'Improvised Gas Mask', the 'Hardpoint Mantle' is definitely something they'd be interested in ('hardpoint' being a word for a place to mount weapons on a vehicle). As for the droprate, I actually did a 50-run series of trials on the machine named when someone mentioned they'd killed it 9+ times with no key drop. It was pretty skewed at first, but it ended up being within one standard deviation from the norm. EQ's RNG works in mysterious ways.

I fixed the machine named dialog, though =)
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