Running and jumping in slow motion? Possible fix!


Dalayan Elder
EDIT: See my reply below this post for solution.

I love this server and the game is playable, but very frustrating as I can NOT run from anything if I need to and travelling is tedious due to the random slowdowns.

I get random lag as I'm turning or running. I have tried numerous graphics tweaks such as changing resolution (still does it at 640x480 even), turning off sky, turning off sound, turning off mip mapping, setting clip planeetc. I also tried installing older drivers, and also the BETA drivers from Nvidia's site.


I'm wondering if it's a known problem with amd64 cpu's or with pci express video cards and EQ? I've checked the eq forums and well...they were about useless.

My specs -

AMD64 3000+
1024mb PC3200 ram
256mb GeForce 6600 PCI-Express (latest NVIDIA drivers)
Win2k Pro (all updates and patches)

I'm thinking it shouldn't be a problem with insufficient hardware...

This happens in fairly empty areas as well so it doesn't appear to be a model problem. :-/ I'm stumped. Help! :)

I think I've found the solution for my problem with random lagging.

I have a PCI Express motherboard based on the nForce4 chipset. After updating the mobo drivers (to version 6.93 I believe) it works flawlessly)

So if you're having problems with random slwodowns or it feels like you're running and jumping in slow motion, try it. :)
Congratulations. You have met the enemy face to face and beaten him back to his lair. But be forewarned, you have nary seen the last of this Evil.
Always be prepared! The Gold Key will be back, and next time he won't just bring defective vertex shaders and pixel shaders with him - he just may bring Hell with him!
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