Runic: Cataclysm


Dalayan Adventurer
Ok, well. Finally got this tonight. And it really really is not good. I say this, mostly because it is a TARGETTED ae, with a ridiculous range. Most encounters on tier are in areas that are too small for this to even consider using. Outdoors for kiting, you run the risk of snaring yourself with it, with a long cast time, and its huge range.

Basically, if it is going to stay as a nuke, I'd like to see it altered. Either a pbaoe with a large range, or a single target nuke that does all the same effects, with the damage/mana/recasts adjusted to account for the fact that it no longer hits as many targets. I prefer the idea of a single target, and would even more so like to see it changed to cold based, as essentially an upgrade to our nuke line, with a faster cast, considering it casts a dot effect, making it not worth while to recast immediately.

The other question is, was there a specific reason this spell was made a damage spell over some sort of beneficial? And if not, is there any chance of just a complete revamp?

Also, the Cataclysm: Flood effect has stacking issues with Archaic, making it not at all worth casting currently!
You all probably already know what you want to do with this but I felt like posting because I always find the prospect of new spells to be very exciting.

You might worry that new buffs are IMBA, but the fact is that for endgame raiding you already have a lot of stuff you use always and need a few extras for ashpyre/debuff/etc. In the end you have to pick what buffs are most important.

Runic: Saitha's Icy Aura
+2% damage for cold spells
add proc: Tremor (druid lvl 24)
15 damage shield

I think this would be a cool little buff that adds some niche effects without making anything unbalanced.,
While Solo's idea isn't too bad, I wouldn't mind something that brings our damage capabilities to a more mana efficient place.

What I'd suggest is changing/removing the Hurricane portion of the spell, and adding a recourse for the dot's duration:

Cataclysm Recourse:
Add Proc: Ice (lvl 49 Druid) or maybe Starfire, or, Earthquake?
Illusion: (Whatever the model the Sanctuary Monuments use. The shattered looking golem things)
Or, if its possible, perhaps make the proc be for the amount of DS you currently have on, with a fairly high proc rate?

But, to keep things interesting, and in line balance wise,I'd like to see a downside.
Decrease hit points by 300 a tick?
Increase incoming spell damage by 10%?
Lower max hitpoints/resists?
The effects of flood (snare, dot, -100atk)?

Essentially, I'm thinking from a lore perspective - "The forces of nature tear your own body asunder as you force a cataclysm upon your enemy" or something.

Anyway, I feel like something like this would bring druid dps into a pretty cool place, while not being too brokenly op, since there would be a pretty big downside.

Also, Flood overwriting Archaic needs to be fixed before the spell gets any use, ever!
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