Rune problems with reflective plate of confoundment


Dalayan Adventurer
Hi there, i'm hoping that this is the right place to post.
i've noticed that the double rune proc on the reflective plate of confoundment is broken.
on the warrior i play, Slibu, i'll be tanking and taking tons of melee damage while both procs (both the magic damage rune, and the melee damage rune) remain in my buff slots for long periods of time until i click them off, and then it will proc again, i click it off rinse + repeat.
This is a fairly recent issue, since the post about altering runes was put on the front page, i figured i'd wait to see if anyone else would bring it up but it hasn't happened. Could this please be looked in to? it's a hassle permanently losing two buff slots for no reason.

Thanks for your time
Don't want to be a pest but the proc wasn't fixed. still seems to be doing the exact same thing. i know you folks have 1000 things to do so thanks for any and all attention this receives!
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