Roque Thurg quest


Dalayan Adventurer
Could the Tears of Betryal part of the text get a lil bit better of a clue cause as it is now it leads you basically no where or any real good clues to look.
I think it is bugged and not in game yet or something i can't get the fabric to drop and check every inch of the zone for groundspanws. And the betrayer in kaladim is a 2 day spawn :(
I got the Tear of Betrayal tonight, and the darkweave fabric so I know they are both in the game. I'll post where I found the Tear in a day or two.
Your half right.. the gloves are in game, but the gloves themselves are buged. Check out the Suggestion boards, currently the Rog gloves give +50 Mana and are also Warrior useable :tinfoil:
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