Rogue Trap Disconnects


Dalayan Beginner
So tried using the search function, but i get a "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing." and have read through many pages and haven't seen this brought up, but maybe it's just me.

Every time my rogue successfully lays a trap down (blast or fetter as these are the only two I've got at the moment) and an NPC triggers it, my Rogue instantly Disconnects. If i have my other box, a cleric, running with me, then he will slowly lag out and disconnect as well. This boots both my toons back to the character select when it occurs. Has cost me many a death as well :)

This has happened in every zone I've been in (Newport, Athica, all the appropriate zones a level 23 should happen across between those two hub cities)
I don't use EQW, I have my bind affinity to processor set to 1, no third party programs in use either. I can reproduce this bug every time, at will. Running windows xp sp3, no firewall issues to be noted.

Any other information you guys need, let me know. More than willing to provide what I can so that I can hopefully begin utilizing traps!

(also, if any of you know how to make that error i get when trying to use the forums Search function, feel free to let me know too!)

Thanks guys!
They are currently bugged. Cyzaine has been trying to fix it but to no avail. For now you will just have to avoid using them.
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