Rogue Anlir Bloodscalp quests Part IV


Dalayan Elder's_quests_-_Part_IV

I did all the quests leading up to this without issues. When I accept this quest according to the wiki I am supposed to get a satchel. I receive no satchel and will not be able to complete the quest without it.

I tried /cm refresh and talking to him again and accepting the mission again, that didn't help

I tried logging out and talking to him again....didn't work. He will not hand over a satchel.

What do I do?

Also, I notice when I accept this quest it doesn't show up in my journal. Maybe it's something that happens normally on certain quests or if you are over the level designed, but at any rate I need help.

Thank you!
Did he give you the dialog, just no satchel? What is the last quest you have in your journal from this line?
I haven't done the newport rings, buy my guess is one of two things:
1. the satchel is in the bank because your bag slots were full...
2. you missed a hail or hand in from the last quest and until it is done you can't get this quest. (do you have the Burglar's Hood and is that quest showing as completed?
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