Rod of Living Fire ?'s


Dalayan Beginner
was just curious if anyone knew of or had the new version of the Rod of Living Fire quest
ive been reading threads on the forums and also checked wiki
it seems the quest has been change some and i cant seem to find the new requirements anywhere

any help would be great!
all i know for fact is giant ally faction is a must

I've got all the drops except for the ice render heart from Kaztra the Shardslayer in icewell keep. Has he been moved, or is he broken? I've spent the past week in the ice river area, and I haven't seen him at all. No one has even entered the zone either, so I don't think he's being nabbed from under me.

Can anyone shed some light on him? Has he been moved to Crystal Caverns?
I heard for a numbner of people that the render hasn't been seen in ages. I last saw it for my rod back like in mid 2007 or even earlier, not sure. Never managed to know if it was moved or broken.
I've asked online, and heard from a number of people online that he no longer spawns.. can any dev's help us out? I'd like to finish this quest, been using the same wand since 40's :)
Kaztra disappeared off the public eye with the revamping of Crystal Caverns, in the later days of it's revamp, when the render-like mobs were added there.

I have afk camped chars in Kaztra's old path in icewell for days and have NEVER seen him since the later months prior to CC. I also kill in Crystal Caverns alot, and have killed the renders i have found, hoping maybe he was moved there with a PH, to no avail.

I really want to help, but it seems the only people with answers aren't tossing em out there. Either he is being precisely killed, and his spawn timer needs to add some variation to make him available to more players, or he's been moved, and some hint as to where would be great appreciated.
Also closely related, but not exactly the same issue:

Taval thew Fluxator now spawns in the arena, near the arena master. However, *Taval the Fluxator, still spawns in the bank, where kozith the stormsword spawns
same.. checked kaztra spawn consistently for a couple weeks to no avail. nobody i've asked seems to know where she is. any official reply would be awesome :eek:
Apparently he was bugged (he was insta despawning and was tagged as a fish or something along those lines). The Devs fixed it, but I'm not sure if the fix has been patched in yet.
did another campout in icewell.

It does not appear to be fixed, or the fix isn't implemented yet.

plz do what you can to investigate this :/
Riesen said:
did another campout in icewell.

It does not appear to be fixed, or the fix isn't implemented yet.

Do you know that he's an entry level raid mob, and therefore should have a 5ish day spawn? It hasn't even been 5 days since Jayelle's post.
thought it was 3 day.. and yeah, i did know it was over 2ish. Is that a round about way of you saying you've seen him?
Riesen said:
thought it was 3 day.. and yeah, i did know it was over 2ish. Is that a round about way of you saying you've seen him?

No, I haven't. But it seems a bit soon to jump to the conclusion that he hasn't been fixed. Especially when Jay didn't know if the fix had been patched in yet or not. ;)
I don't know if he got fixed with the Red Sun Mines restoration, but Kaztra spawned recently, and was downed at 6 30 am CST on april 12th.
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