Rivervale gate neck broken


Banned Jerk
Hi all, I attempted the 2nd part of the quest today in whispering forest with some friends. The quest is currently broken and crashs the zone when you engage the Shadow Master. We tried 3 times before it was daylight and zone depopd. The first attempt the whole event spawnd at once. The 2nd and 3rd attempt the waves spawnd within about 30seconds of each other and rushed us. Each time when we engaged the Shadow Master the zone crashd. Next chance someone can look into this I would appriciate it.
mob itself is fine, spawned and engaged (without triggering script) and nothing crashed. Script needs some looking into, because i can guarantee he shouldn't have been hitting in the 80s while event was running.
There's a post from Behn about this , quite old now, I was backing him up, indeed there seems to be a problem on the script. First I thought it was a problems with NPCs assisting while they shouldn't but having done it recently and having the same problem - although it worked the second or third time don't remember - and it was not that. Always happens with the Shadow Master himself , I'm positive this needs a look beyond the encounter's difficulty.
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