Ring v....


Dalayan Beginner
Upon completing ring 4 a couple months back all I received was a ring.

I'm told i should have gottena vial, and orders, but never did. How would i go about getting these?
You should have gotten a vial, yes. I'm working on the ring V changes I mentioned last week. There was a hangup on the scripting side that delayed them from going in with the patch.

I understand you're implementing changes etc. But I am telling you i didn't get a vial, or any quest dialogue to do next step. All i got wasa ring.

This is on my alt, abel, if that makes any difference.
If you have a Newport Captain's Insignia and didn't get a vial, feel free to petition. Mention that Xeldan requested you to petition to have your Counter Agent Vial restored. I'm really not sure what would have kept you from getting the vial other than both your bank and inventory being full.
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