Ring Quest III Problem: Missing Item


Dalayan Beginner
I looked around but didn't see a thread on this problem before. When finishing ring 2, I somehow missed handing in or receiving the ring at the end of that part. I didn't realize this until I had all but finished the ring III part of the quest, and when I went to get my next ring and promotion after handing the captain the 3 items and heading to Seargent Halsey, I cant progress. He won't upgrade my scouts ring, and yet we also won't accept the scouts ring with the orders to move onto part 4. I imagine I'd need someone to change my scouts ring to the corporals, or at least reset me so I can finish the quest. Any GM help on this would be most appreciated, thanks.

PS. My character's name is Kilshaak, if anything can be done.
Still having trouble with it. If you ever have a sec, Wiz, I'd love to be able to finsih the quest up. Thanks
I had heard this issue may have been fixed but it appears to still be bugged. Looking around I've seen at least 3 other posters with the same problem, so hopefully we can get it looked into shortly. Thanks in advance for any help.
From THE LAW thread in Policy Plaza:

Stuff That Should Not Be Posted
- Bumps. Adding more info is fine, but asking for an "official staff response" is not.

I suggest you try to catch someone who can help with quests in IRC, since you're not getting any response here.
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