Return of the King


Dalayan Master
Ok, not really, just plain ol' me.

After a stint in WoW (hooray for button mashing) I am TOTALLY returning to SoD, that is as soon as my brother returns my discs as I foolishly deleted my files- sigh.

I checked Fomelo and my Necro still exists, so I suppose I have one of those to play (though WoW may have ruined pet classes on me forever:/) , but I think a two-box is in order. I want to play classes that (A) are fairly uncommon (B) play well together, duh, and (C) are group desirable...

My thoughts thus far...
Paladin (love the concept- just replayed QFG) + Enchanter (sound fairly rare, was a fun class on live)
= Tank, healer, slower,CC, rez, buffs, and fairly easy to box on single/small pulls

That is actually all I have, thoughts do not flow so much as gugglug out of me!
Server needs more enchanters. You will find that shapeshift makes them the most awesome class there is.

Welcome to SoD
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