

Dalayan Beginner
This is quite hard to explain, because it kind of depends on a few things.

Basically, I tried to register my old account and put the wrong email in (I put in the word mail instead of email. lol). So I thought, I might as well make a new one to check if my character is still there.

I made a new one and my character is still there. So I was wondering, if I registered the same account, would I actually still be able to use that old character? If so, can I possible get the email those account details are being sent to changed? If not...well don't worry about it. :)

If you can and you require more information, i'll be happy to provide it for you.
>So I thought, I might as well make a new one to check if my character is still there.

Make a new account? How would that make you able to check for that? Also, you can check on accounts by using Wanelo.

>So I thought, I might as well make a new one to check if my character is still there.

Does your account not work? If not, then yes, it should work.

>If so, can I possible get the email those account details are being sent to changed?

It is possible, but is this about the account where you wrote the wrong email? (We have to be sure so you can't just take over someone elses account).

How I was able to check was entering my old name (Haisei) and seeing if the server would let me create a character under that name. It said it was already in use, so I should be still there.
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