Recovery Officer Janson "Newport Recovery" quests removed


Staff Emeritus
This is just a quick update to let everyone know that the Newport Recovery quests offered by Recovery Officer Janson have been consolodated into Silver Crown quests, since the Freeport outpost is now a quest hub for Silver Crown affiliated players. If you have any Silver, Gold, or Platinum Newport tokens, those can still be turned in for faction in Newport, but Recovery Officer Janson himself will no longer give them out for completed quests.
So..accumulated guardsman nametags are no longer needed and can be destroyed? Same with Gate documents? Or will I need tem if I decide to attain Silver crown faction? (Sorry I have not made myself familiar with any new silver crown quests yet)
Hold onto them. I'm going to be adding the quest back in temporarily since I didn't really give any warning on it. This kind of removal warrants a warning so I'll be putting the quest back in until the next patch.
Will people that have already killed the named mobs and handed in this books and documents or whatever have to repeat all those quests for the SC now?
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