I have little doubt that it is related to latency. As someone who has a somewhat less than robust method of connectivity I've become quite accustomed to the .. quirks it causes in realtime communication. Specifically, it comes with a certain amount of packet loss and lag on occassion.
In the past I would get bursts of loss, or simply a small/medium amount of lag. I simply had to keep areas in mind with minimal pathing that I could retire to and weather the storm if it became an extended bout of PL. Typically a short time without engaging something would allow things to settle.
Now those same indicators (two or more "blips" of loss in as many seconds) indicates almost certain disconnection forthcoming within seconds. And if the connection is acting laggy in general, hitting autoattack will most often cause an immediate disconnect.
Something seems to have changed in the way the server handles certain aspects of communications.. Perhaps it is far less forgiving of out-of-order packets, maybe it has a lower timeout of some sort, who knows. It is definately outside my scope of observation.