Recent PL Bug Fix


Dalayan Beginner
I've been having a issue for last 2 days (since fix) where im constantly getting disconnected and booted straight to character select. Did the patch, repatch all was clicked, and im still having same problem. What has changed that would make this happen? and is there a way that i can change a setting so this doesnt happen anymore?
I went LD four times two days ago, for no apparent reason. Twice, when I attempted to get back into the game, I was immediately disconnected again and sent back to the server select screen. Nothing of note happened that could let me "guess" the time of the next LD.

Yesterday, everything worked like a charm. Go figure.
Rotax seemed to be having a similiar issue when we were XPing the other day.

He said, he repatched, restarted comp, no problems after that... so no clue.
I had the same trouble. I repatched and that did not help. We have 2 routers on the network here. I switched it around so I am currently behind just 1 router, and have not gone LD since. I will play around with it more today to see if it could be a specific router giving the issue or possibly a combination of the two. Any thoughts would be appreciated since I am relying on guesswork atm.
I have also been having the same issue. Didn't last more than 15 mins logged in without a disconnect. I will fool around with things the next couple days and see if I can find something that works.
After about 5 days of trying to fix this with no success im calling it, i really see no point in trying to play like this, wish all of you the best and hope you fix this soon.
I have a few things I have been working on that might fix this. I should get them finished up later tonight. It seems to be a latency issue, and tends to affect those trying to run two EQ sessions from the same computer more than two from the same LAN.

I have little doubt that it is related to latency. As someone who has a somewhat less than robust method of connectivity I've become quite accustomed to the .. quirks it causes in realtime communication. Specifically, it comes with a certain amount of packet loss and lag on occassion.

In the past I would get bursts of loss, or simply a small/medium amount of lag. I simply had to keep areas in mind with minimal pathing that I could retire to and weather the storm if it became an extended bout of PL. Typically a short time without engaging something would allow things to settle.

Now those same indicators (two or more "blips" of loss in as many seconds) indicates almost certain disconnection forthcoming within seconds. And if the connection is acting laggy in general, hitting autoattack will most often cause an immediate disconnect.

Something seems to have changed in the way the server handles certain aspects of communications.. Perhaps it is far less forgiving of out-of-order packets, maybe it has a lower timeout of some sort, who knows. It is definately outside my scope of observation.
For what it's worth I pay for a 40/20 connection, and there is only one other computer on my LAN, and neither of them is torrenting anything. I get a latency of anywhere from 900 - 3000ms, where it would normally be around 1-200ms. I don't have a disconnect issue on any other server/game/anything, and in normal situations I can host a VOIP call while playing and streaming HD movies and not notice anything on either the call or the game. The only change I've made is remove devices from my LAN to try and fix this (I've got 3 HP servers and a 15 device Cisco lab, but I've moved them to an entirely different network)
Myself and almost no one in my guild has had any issues at all. One person had disconnection issues but when plugging directly in to his cable modem rather than using his router, the problems went away. So his is probably just a bad router/firewall. Anyone else who had connection problems just rebooted and it was fine. I have yet to even get disconnected or have any problems, so it's hard for me to help diagnose the problem.
I am pretty sure I figured out the missing sequence to the PL fix, that causes some people to have more problems, than others.

If your router is not set for right QOS settings to not drop EQ packets, then it will drop too many of them. That is where the problem lies. So putting a fix together specifically for those cases. You may get laggy, in those situations, but I will make it not disconnect anymore.

My issue has been the same on multiple networks, and I've tried disabling QoS as well to no luck. Again, this doesn't happen on other EQ servers, so I'm really not sure it's a QoS thing.
My issue has been the same on multiple networks, and I've tried disabling QoS as well to no luck. Again, this doesn't happen on other EQ servers, so I'm really not sure it's a QoS thing.
There are no other EQ servers, that run this network protocol. So you are comparing apples and oranges.

OO A fix? on SoD side? i totally ruined my settings on pc to the point i had to do a fresh install of OS and SoD, a soon as its up and running ill patch and check it out, its my b-day best news i had all day thanks Haynar!
ive tried a different Wireless network adapter. diff V card (some said that fixed theirs) tried repatching all and even fresh installs. i seem to last longer if im not boxxing. i tried making 2 EQ installs and that gave me around an extra 15 mins but i seem to go LD every 2 mins or so not even long enough to put in a petition. i was told by someone that staff has a figured out a way to fix it individually and all you have to do is petition. but as far as i know its just a rumor. i've asked in IIRC to no avail and cant put in a petition. im gonna try the QoS thing and see if that helps. but meh. if anyone has any other suggestions throw em out there. (alot of people have told me changing your router DOES fix it but im not behind a router)
We are looking for a fix to this issue. Keep posting your stories aa they are helpful. We are pretty sure we know what causes it so a fix next patch looks realistic.
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