READ OMG IF YOU CANNOT LOG IN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Dalayan Beginner
If you have a new account or did not claim your account quickly enough your account does not exist on the backup login server. The main one is down. You cannot log on, it will say bad username/password. It will work when the main login server comes back up.

If you are getting 1001 you have not patched.
eh i have a question and figured maybe someone else does or a lot of someones. i have claimed my account.. twice now i think. and was curious if it there is a database with all accounts from a certain date on it or if i just havent done claiming correctly.
first post woot..

my comp has been down and i havent been able to play WR fora bout id say 3-4 months, when i go to log in it says bad username/password ... does that mean that i lost all my chars on my account and lost account? or does that mean that b/c the main server is down or somethin that i cant log in?

im really stupid when it comes to this so dun get mad :lol:
bad username and password means u havent claimed ur account and it hasnt been stored on the WR backup thing. as seems to be my problem. i asked about that in my earlier post and never got a reply. not sure if its just a cetain date and before on it or if i just claimed it wrong. but now u are screwed like me until eqemu server comes back up. then u have to claim it.
and there is many MANY posts about this.

true, did u change the login server to ?
not sure what solves the problem. just sudjesting what i can.
and if u dont know what i mean about changing that.. i mean to go to ur eqhost file and change where it says login server. im not sure if im suppose to change the other one.. that could be why im still sittin here not playing.. /shrug
ok well i did that , put in the numbers in the space below the empty space that didnt work so i changed it back and then i put the numbrs in the empty space and it didnt work and i left it there

im still clueless of howcome i cant log in :? ;( :? ;(
Ok i downloaded and istalled the patch thing to my eq folder, but i still get 1001, i would feel better of i was getting bad user name and password lol.
eqemu is down. dont post why ur getting bad name/pass when it is down because thats ur problem. hopefully a new backup will be made soon so the newer players can keep playing as well. but till everything gets goin. us newbs cant do nothing.
About bad username/password

How long will this nightmare be? My wife has one character she can log on but the rest of our accounts cannot log in to play at all. We were actually able to log on last monday but ever since we have been locked out. Is there a permanent remedy in the works or is this something that is going to be ongoing for the forseeable future?

I claimed all of our accounts already on the new emu boards it was just done in the end of January so I guess we didnt update soon enough.

I only ask because I, myself, have not been able to play now for over two months! I need my WR!

Hope to see you all in game soon.
I believe if you read carefully into the writing of Nostradamus the EqEmu stuff will be back up on the third tuesday after the second full moon following the passing of the Illpochlic Comet, noonish EST.

but until then please be patient. you will find WR well worth the wait.

(i'm sorry to poke fun but this is out of anyone on WR's control or knowledge.)
sorry i am french user i dont understand all well i supose but i have one account and want to know what i need to do for play here when i log it say bad user name password
and when i try to register another one eqemu not work erro page )
sorry for the noob question )
sorry for posted on guest )
i have claim my account on eqemu still need to wait now i supose )
WR is currently using a backup database for accounts. so all new accounts are not on it. just have to wait.
the normal login server didn't work for me last night. I assume it's not up yet.

If you want to try for yourself you have to edit your eqhosts.txt file and run EQ by using eqwindows. If you use the WR patcher it will immediately "fix" your eqhosts.txt file back to using the WR backup login server.

AFAIK (but im not 100% sure) the normal login server would be:

after browsing through the eqemulator forums i got a different one though:

neither of them worked (1001 errors) so i guess they are either both borked or the addresses aren't correct.

anyways, by now i've waited through most of my holiday :sadf:
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