Reactive procs interrupting spells


Dalayan Adventurer
Are reactive procs supposed to interrupt spells / abilities you're casting? It seems like this takes a good thing and makes it potentially bad. This is very noticeable on the new paladin R2 where if the blocking reactive heal goes off it will interrupt your casting, but I think I've also seen it happen on the armorer's BP when the color slam goes off. It's like I'm the one casting the reactive proc and anything else I was casting needs to stop so I can cast the reactive proc.

This causes several issues especially with the paladin R2 interaction. As a paladin tanking you get the reactive proc but then it interrupts blessing of the rose or an aggro spell which can be bad, but then also if aggro happened to go to a healer and they got the pal r2 on them it can interrupt their healing as well. If you're backup healing a shadow knight main tank this can also be disruptive to their casting. It's overall a frustrating interaction.

It seems like this is potentially bad and disruptive. Is it supposed to happen this way?
I have used an armorers bp quite a bit on a few characters and feel like I've never witnessed this happening on a bard/paladin/shadowknight.
I know people said this used to happen to them with other items in the past so I know it can yet I've never seen anyone else bring this up as of late.
Same regarding the paladin runic 2.
Paladin r2 when the proc goes off its absolutely interrupting my casting; happens all the time. Armorer's bp I think it might perhaps just be when it color slams? that one it's hard to tell if I'm just getting interrupted naturally or if it's the proc causing it for armorer's bp.
I don't think the Armorer's BP should be doing that, but it is possible that it requires a patch to make it work correctly.
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