Reaching Leader Dannisin


Dalayan Beginner
I must be missing something here, How do you get to this guy travel wise? died a few times already at 14, must be missing something, any clues please?
Level up some, plaguelands and the surrounding areas are not meant for toons that young by any means.
It is not so hard to complete this portion of the quest even at a lower level. I would recommend you get a port to South Tarhyl or MoP to Sadri Malath (and for the latter, travel through Sundered Mountains to the desert). Once in North Tarhyl, follow the shoreline north while skirting around any orcs and other enemies you see. The hardest parts are the docks (three or four orcs) and the fishing village north of that (many roaming orcs). You can avoid them all by swimming in the water, if you don't mind the tedium. Eventually the desert gives way to grass, and this is where you'll want to travel west while keeping a close eye on the dirt paths and steering clear of the houses, both of which have undead. When you reach the western wall, go south along that wall and slip into the tunnel that leads to EPL. From there it is easy going to Dannisin.

Not sure if you've done the Freeport MQ dwarf yet either, but you can do both of these in one go if you like. Just backtrack out of the tunnel to North Tarhyl and hug left until you come to East Freeport. In EFP, stick to the left going north again and you'll pass through a false wall at the NW "yard" area. In the secret tunnel, I believe you can reach the docks safely and easily by hugging right until it lets out in a building infested with non-KOS rats underneath the tavern the dwarf frequents. If anyone can refine these directions, please do.

Good luck, and if you have further trouble, contact Grinkles in game and I'll guide you there myself. :)
You can avoid them all by swimming in the water, if you don't mind the tedium.

You'll probably gain quite a few swim skill points as well!*

*This message paid for by the Dalayan Sea Monster Request Lobby. The Seas are far too safe!
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