Re-Introduction! (coming back maybe?)


Dalayan Beginner
Hello! I've been thinking about coming back and playing again a lot lately. I tried coming back some time ago but after going through my friends list and digging around, I couldn't find anyone that I knew anymore. I was a bit bummed out and didn't feel like logging in after that. I want to come back but somethings bothering me. I figured I'd open up a thread and maybe chat a little to get me out of this weird funk I'm finding myself in.

Well, one problem I had before was that I would level a character up to around 50-55 and kind of hit a wall. I would need to do some things that I couldn't solo or would rather do with some people but I was never in an active enough guild. Another time my friend list had dwindled down to a single active person and I joined the guild they were in. Things went great for a couple weeks and then activity seemed to drop a lot. I ended up getting rather busy with course work and when I returned people had left. I guess what I'm wondering is, is there a long standing guild around? When I do play I'm on pretty much every other day wanting to do something and ideally I'd love to raid. I do feel funny bringing up raiding when I'm not playing currently but this will be my fourth or fifth time doing this. I'm pretty sociable and try to help others when I can but it just seems like clockwork that I get to a point where I can't find groups. How active is the server nowadays anyway? Is it even possible for me to get into raiding now? I don't know if I should play one of my higher level characters or start over with something new. Really, I'd just be happy with being in an active group of folks with whatever class that's needed or wanted. Sorry if this thread isn't appropriate for this section or if I should have searched through the forums for these answers. I want to play, I really do, but I don't want to fall into the same problems again.
As a fairly new player myself (4 months) I would say that Dalaya beginners guild and OOC has enough action to get from level 50 to 65 and I have leveled a few toons to 65 in groups this way. SoD has a lot of friendly people around level 55 or sympathetic level 65s willing to carry people. There is also a lot of longstanding guilds who have taken in fresh level 65s and I think it's just a matter of small effort in becoming part of the community.

I also think it's the effort of these people and guilds who make SoD worth playing give it a chance.
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Thanks for the reply guanfei!

I have tried over the years and I normally don't have issues with this kind of thing. For some reason I kept getting into that cycle. Could have been just dumb bad luck but I don't know. I'd love to be able to talk directly with someone about what guilds are active right now. (I'm sure some folks have their opinions haha!) I really am not sure if I should start over and go back to one of my old characters. I remember I have a MNK, MAG, and RNG. I don't think there's a class I really dislike so I would prefer to play what I can get into groups with.
it is certainly possible to get into raiding, but it takes a lot of initiative on your part. you will need a lot of exp, and that means you will have to form your own groups, not just wait around expecting things to fall into your lap. like most things worth doing, it's not easy. but it is absolutely doable.
Thanks for the push cian! Hell, I might make a new character tonight and go on till dawn. I don't think I'll play my monk again, and I don't remember how the other two worked. I'm thinking bard or enchanter. Maybe I'll look around and see if I can find some posts on those two classes that help me make a decision.

Would like to say I wasn't asking for handouts or to tag along into groups/raids. I saw I kept running into a problem and I wanted to take the initiative in fixing it so I've presented it here to chat and get it worked out. Thanks again to those who have replied to my thread!
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since i approve of your gusto, i'll give you 10k for free. just give me your character name.
Well, it looks like I'm starting a new character! I can't find my login info for my old account. It might be better this way but I'm going to keep looking for it. (it's written down somewhere) At least this way I can get the rust off myself with this game. Still, I'm thinking about bard or enchanter. I can't make up my mind, about to just do a coin toss.

Figured out one and it was to a druid alt account that I have no memory of that I apparently got to level 19 haha. The search continues!
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Just from my own observations, I see a ton of bards and very few mained enchanters if yourgoal is getting in the raid game eventually.Ultimately play what you enjoy!
If you consistently play an enchanter and attend 95% of raids everyone will love you and you will always have a raid spot. However when you solo/duo 99% of the time its better just to play a melee/healer duo and adventure band your enchanter and an alt
I do remember a few things from when I last played. I thought about playing a cleric but I kept seeing boxed clerics in groups and the same for enchanters but not as much. I know I should box but I really hate doing that. For some reason I keep thinking that enchanter is one of those classes that a raid only needs one of but I'm not sure where I'm getting that idea from.
Honestly, I'd play whatever appeals to you. You will always find a guild if you are playing your character well.
I do remember a few things from when I last played. I thought about playing a cleric but I kept seeing boxed clerics in groups and the same for enchanters but not as much. I know I should box but I really hate doing that. For some reason I keep thinking that enchanter is one of those classes that a raid only needs one of but I'm not sure where I'm getting that idea from.

The only reason most guilds run with 1 enchanter is because there is generally only 1 active enchanter in every guild. Only 1 enchanter is necessary, but i think most guilds would love to raid with 2 active enchanters. There simply arent enough of us to go around
Alright, I think I'll work on an enchanter but I'll keep looking for my ranger's account info just in case.
My enchanter is already almost level 14! Named it Craill. I also found my ranger's account info so that's still an option for me to play. I feel kind of silly thinking that it was only in the 50s. To my surprise it's 65, with 21 spent AAs! Yeah, I fail haha. I went through my stuff and I have a bunch of random things but nothing too interesting, a lot of quest items I think. I don't have a lot of money on it either. I think I just purchased something shortly before I left. I am going to mess around on it to at least get acquainted with the class again. I remember some of it already though. I don't know how well it's equipped.
Hey man you get get your account info sent to you by visiting the account management section and giving your email address, which in turn will send your account info that email.

Rangers are a great dps class and I don't really think they are overplayed, but honestly I don't know. They have a great advantage of being mostly physical dps while sitting back with the casters.
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