Rarok here


Dalayan Elder
Hey, I was thinking of giving SoD a try again. Last time I logged in and there was so many new things in the game I was deterred. I knew no one in the game and knew nothing about the new features implemented. I do not know how to Augment items or what tombs are... I see some of the features that were in the planning stages when I played got implemented and some were scrapped.

I am doubting many people will know me since it has been quite a few years, but if anyone wants to play with an ex-hardcore gamer let me know. I saw last time I logged in for a day all of my port items were taken away, so I really will have trouble knowing where anything is when I come back.

My main play time will be after 6pst 9est. I doubt I will play every day of the week, but if anyone wants to show me where noob 65s should be, feel free. Maybe I will make it easy on myself and use a new toon to get used to the game again. See you all in game.
Hey, I was thinking of giving SoD a try again. Last time I logged in and there was so many new things in the game I was deterred. I knew no one in the game and knew nothing about the new features implemented. I do not know how to Augment items or what tombs are... I see some of the features that were in the planning stages when I played got implemented and some were scrapped.

I am doubting many people will know me since it has been quite a few years, but if anyone wants to play with an ex-hardcore gamer let me know. I saw last time I logged in for a day all of my port items were taken away, so I really will have trouble knowing where anything is when I come back.

My main play time will be after 6pst 9est. I doubt I will play every day of the week, but if anyone wants to show me where noob 65s should be, feel free. Maybe I will make it easy on myself and use a new toon to get used to the game again. See you all in game.

Hi Rarok, we used to raid together. Some shit is new but tanking and healing is pretty much the same. Send a tell to Sazir/Kemper/Caer if you're online and need a tip.
Welcome back. Ratkon tried to reach you to no avail recently, hope to see you back in game.

Well, I still have the same AIM name.


Been trying to get the game, but it seems way harder after you know who made some changes to the DL/Login order to get the game. About to give up
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