Raptor Claw Effigy Quest (BST THURG)


Dalayan Beginner
Over the last week I've been trying to get my BST through his Thurg quest items. After almost 30 large raptor kills in Faentharc Woods, I have not had a single drop. I've been using my 57 ranger to track and kill. I was wondering if anyone else had this much difficulty in obtaining the quest drop and if anyone could give me any advice on spawning large raptors. Right now I'm not sure if they have place holders or not. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
You need to slaughter everything in the zone. As I recall anything can be a placeholder for a raptor and the raptors are the placeholders for the Large Raptors. I spent hours and hours clearing the zone killing everything in sight. Keep your druid tracking for raptors and make them a priority, but you just have to kill everything.
Indeed they do. 53 kills later, I got a set :). Now I'm working on a manticore heart for the bracelet quest.
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