I crash randomly when i play, at frist it seemed to crash cuz of spell effects so i turned them off and i wouldnt crash for a long while but i still just randomly crash like when i target something and then press ecape to unslect and i crash. this seemed normal.
Today i walked into for the First time i walked through the wooded area just befor going into sseru, i crashed once then loged in and crashed while loading and then right after that i crashed right when i got into the game then i was fine for 5min loaded into sseru and pulled a cupple mobs and then crashed mid battle on the 2ed. then i was fine for anuther hr till i had to log off.
Today i walked into for the First time i walked through the wooded area just befor going into sseru, i crashed once then loged in and crashed while loading and then right after that i crashed right when i got into the game then i was fine for 5min loaded into sseru and pulled a cupple mobs and then crashed mid battle on the 2ed. then i was fine for anuther hr till i had to log off.