Quests to do late 50s


Dalayan Beginner
My main char is a lvl 55 ench. I spend most of my time lvling and because of that I have pretty terrible gear. So I am looking for some sort of quest to do durring the time I can't find a group to improve my gear a little. Anyone know of anythign good?
I dont know about quests but for gear i would recommend the following:

50-59 Simple Treasure maps
Dragon Necropolis for pieces of giant/dragon faction armor
Traekoth/Pounders Adept raids(max engage lvl 57)
Can't seem to find rod of living fire on the wiki. Any hints as to where I would go to start that quest? Also the amice seems like it will be days upon days of camping orcs for faction. Any idea how long i should expect to spend factioning for that quest?
Depends on how regularly you play. If you play regularly and wait to turn in the headbands until max indiff it should take no more than a week to get done. To top it off, the mobs will give you xp at the same time. If you have trouble finding a group on a regular basis this will fill up a lot of your downtime and if you don't like that then just remember nothing worth having comes easy.
Killing dragons and turning in their lesser scales and greater scales (IE: from GD wyrm caves, WW dragons, or DHK dragons) , or killing orcs in EW and turning in their teeth. I don't think killing the orcs themselves gives faction, but killing certain dragons does.
There are two different orc factions being refered to here. The orcs for the amice of the dawn are in Nwaste/Swaste. As a 57 enchanter you should be able to solo them with minimal difficulty. The orcs in EW drop teeth to turn in for giant faction(also possably Dwarf faction, dunno); those are going to be a bit more difficult to solo as a 57 enchanter.
Kaledorm said:
There are two different orc factions being refered to here. The orcs for the amice of the dawn are in Nwaste/Swaste. As a 57 enchanter you should be able to solo them with minimal difficulty. The orcs in EW drop teeth to turn in for giant faction(also possably Dwarf faction, dunno); those are going to be a bit more difficult to solo as a 57 enchanter.

Oh that's my bad! I read woldaff's comment regarding the Rod of the Living Fire quest and though he meant giant faction.
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