Quests for alighnment change


Dalayan Beginner
So i am a chaotic good druid decided by the alignment woman in Ermial. I planed on pledging to sihala for RP reasons that made the most sense. and did not choose silver crown faction because , well they were in the process of stripping heartland so i went with CoI if SC had been planting trees lol then id have known that would be the porper route to the earth goddess. so now im despertaly trying to find a way to shift my alignment to sihala's..lawful neutral
I did some searching and found several old posts where the possibility of alignment quests might be added have these ever come about? Is it possible to receive some hints on where to look? As it stands my only choice is the water god which has no aug quest and totaly doesn't make sense for my woodland druid to worship. Or am i just screwed?

Also if your chaotic good and your god/goddess is chaotic neutral how much does it affect you? perhaps fining a way to go to CN from CG might be easier.
You are pretty much screwed, working against your heartland faction alignment is damn near impossible. My advice would be to pledge to Tarhansar, who is Chaotic Good.
There are very few alignment quests currently in the game to make a large enough impact on your deity spec and while more are constantly being added, it might take some time for enough to be added to receive your intended result.

However, all of the "gods" of Dalaya are just elemental spirits, some just choose to take other forms, and while Tarhansar is not The Lady of the Earth, he is still an elemental water spirit.
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