
Question 2

so do i need to buy the game? the link game master gave me said that i needed to insert my EQ disc titanium or better whats that about
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A quick google search shows you a SOE site to download the launchpad to download EQ1 up until you're ready to play it. Once you get that done, you can user our patcher to get ready to play SoD.

No purchase necessary.
question 3

okay so i did that but whenever it tries to patch it says im missing a file. did i do something wrong?
Ok, lets try it like this.
  • Download the game from the official EQ site (I gather you have done this?).
  • Install the game (I believe you have not done this.)
  • Find where it installed the game and direct the patcher to that folder. Push the Patch and Run button.
  • Wait forever for it to download the mumble API and then patch your files.
  • Assuming you didn't screw with the checkmarks on the patcher (don't screw with the checkmarks until you know what you're doing) EQW will open up. In the SAME FOLDER that you patched, select eqgame.exe and then click Start EQ.
Ok, lets try it like this.
  • Download the game from the official EQ site (I gather you have done this?).
  • Install the game (I believe you have not done this.)
  • Find where it installed the game and direct the patcher to that folder. Push the Patch and Run button.
  • Wait forever for it to download the mumble API and then patch your files.
  • Assuming you didn't screw with the checkmarks on the patcher (don't screw with the checkmarks until you know what you're doing) EQW will open up. In the SAME FOLDER that you patched, select eqgame.exe and then click Start EQ.
okay il give this a shot and no ididnt finish installing:p i guess that might explain it lol im dumb for not realizing that sooner thanks
so it finished downloading and i just c heck through every file that it downloaded and theres no EQgame.exe there.
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Try running the patcher as administrator. It should be one of the four files in %AppData%\Shards of Dalaya\eqw.
If that does not do it or the file is missing, try running the patcher as administrator and Repatch All.
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Ok. You have the game installed. The folder it is installed in (wherever it is) is your game directory.


Run our patcher. Click Browse and select your game directory. Hit patch and run.


Once that finishes patching, you will have this folder and these files in appdata. Again, that folder location is %AppData%\Shards of Dalaya\eqw if you want to check.


The EQW window should also have opened once you finished patching. You should hit Browse and select eqgame.exe in your game directory. Hit Start EQ to open the client.

If at any point while following these steps you get an error, please tell us what the error is (word for word) and where in this process you got the error.
well i was just messing around with it and it somehow started running but its so dark when i play i can barely see anything
Uncheck the EQW option when you run the patcher, then in game in the options menu, adjust the gamma slider to a higher level.
Is the character select screen too dark? Some races have better vision than others...

As a kid I used to turn up the gamma alot to get around this. It was unpleasant and awful, but worked (back in 2001 anyway)
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