Question on eqmu


Dalayan Beginner
I attempted a few days ago to setup WR. If I have patched the latest EQlive patcher, ie most recent, would this be why WR would not log in? Since I am new to this I apologize in advance.
I can be more specific with my question.

Is the login problem associated with my version of EQ being patch passed 12/7? Is my login issure due to the temporary login server not being updated to include the lastest accounts?
There are a few 'login problems' with standard fixes. what kind of trouble are you having?
Hi,I created both EQEmu and WR accounts, patched the WR pathcer. Download files Login to WR. At the Login screen I get incorrect Eqemu login name/password.

Just wondering if I will have trouble with login If I had updated the eqlive to the most recent patch. Eqemu boards say your outta luck if you did. I read in these boards that it does not matter.

If I read WR boards I need to wait for my login name/password to get updated for WR at Eqemu.

But I am not exactly sure if that is correct.

server was kinda fubar last night, try again. If it doesn't work make sure you created a login account and not forum account. Afterwards check your email.
I believe that I have a login to eqemu under LS account but I still have not been able to get patchwr to login under my loginname and password.

I keep getting EQEMU invalid loginname/password.
It must be because I had patched past the janunary EQEmu date. I must be incompatable. Unless someone has any other experience or has been successful since latest updates. I have tried everything in these threads. But I still can not get past login into EQEmu.
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