Quest to shift Alignment to Evil?


Dalayan Beginner
I did the MQ awhile back, before the newer deity aspects of the game were introduced. After reading it over, I noticed that the god I'm sworn to is Evil, and I'm currently Good. I was wondering if there were any quests outside of the MQ to shift your alignment, or if there will be prior to the planned system going in.
I think its really bizarre that you'd swear to a deity and then realize after the fact that said deity is evil. Regardless, here are some of the quests I've found that will offer an alignment shift.

*There's a quest in South Newport by the docks where you're sent on a task to locate a missing shipment of goods (its a lowbie quest and shouldn't take too long.)

*Talking to One Eye Murt, the beggar, in South Newport will also give you a shift depending on how you respond to him.

*Getting up to around Ring 3 for the Newport Ring quest will give you an option to take a bribe (or turn him over to the law.) The NPC in question doesn't always seem to spawn right away, but I've gone up through Ring 4 and found him hanging around another time and was able to go ahead and take the bribe.

*In East Freeport there's a dwarf woman having some problems with rats.
Tsabayne said:
*Talking to One Eye Murt, the beggar, in South Newport will also give you a shift depending on how you respond to him.

Recently did this with my cleric, gave him 1pp, didn't change anything at all.
Manluas said:
Recently did this with my cleric, gave him 1pp, didn't change anything at all.

When a quest shifts your faction, it doesn't always register when you type /cm stats. This is because the shift was too small, not because a shift didn't occur. Keep doing small shifts like this and you will see a difference.

Also, knowing whether a deity is good/evil/neutral is hard to tell. Going to the deity island and talking to the different voices describes the various deities very well, but whether or not a deity is good/evil is often up to your own interpretation.
Puella said:
When a quest shifts your faction, it doesn't always register when you type /cm stats. This is because the shift was too small, not because a shift didn't occur. Keep doing small shifts like this and you will see a difference.

I thought it'll tell you that your alignment has changed, at least it did when I was doing some of those quests with Luas (like a year ago).
The only time I've noticed a quest actually tell me that it has changed my faction is when a particular quest sets the faction to something. An example is the newbie cleric quest, when giving advice in the temple, how you respond sets your alignment, and does not refer to what your alignment may have been before. (I could be wrong here, but I'm just going off what I've seen). Another example I can think of is when setting alignment with the main quest interview. This also sets alignment, and does not just give you a bump in any direction.

Most quests, however, just give a bump and don't say anything. For example, Grimble has done every evil thing possible, and gradually, his evilness has gone to greatly evil. Another example, Rehven has done much stealing and laundering of the proceeds, and his alignment has gradually shifted to deeply chaotic.
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