Quest: The Lessons of Entropy


Dalayan Elder
Quest giver: Cult Priest Vanissa in Newport Sewers

I've completed this quest through the step of turning in 10 x Mielech's War Mead and received the pp and xp reward. My journal states the I should speak to her again.

Now when I hail her I get the standard chat options including D3 which is "About my lessons....", but she does not respond to that option at all. Her response to hail, before D1-D3 options, mentions something about being patient.

I'm just looking for confirmation if the rest of the quest IS implemented or not or if I'm missing something she is not telling me.
Her response to hail, before D1-D3 options, mentions something about being patient.

I'm just looking for confirmation if the rest of the quest IS implemented or not or if I'm missing something she is not telling me.

Rest of the quest is not implemented. Sorry!

man, cyzaine, how do you miss out on such awesome opportunities? you need to take lessons in russian business tactics, my friend.

for instance, instead of "mentioning" something about being patient, she could "mention" something about ppl sending plats to your swiss banking bot account.
Yeah, I actually just reached this point today myself and immediately came here to ask about this quest lol. I'm disappointed this quest line isn't completed yet :(, hopefully soon it will be, for now I guess I'll update the wiki with current quest info.
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