Quest error with Coordinator Xanlan in Oggok


Dalayan Beginner
I just turned in four Tal'yan ceremonial sheets, as required for a quest, to Coordinator Xanlan in Oggok and this is the following text:

Coordinator Xanlan accepts the sheets graciously. 'I definitely won't conceal any elementals with these. Here's your bracer, per the poorly-spelled instructions in the letter.'
You gain 20000 experience!!
Line: 0, File: none | error C0001: 'summonitem' : function does not take 1 parameter(s)

And upon checkin my bags I find that I have no such bracer as the quest indicates that I should. Also I do not have the four sheets that I've given to him.
oh by the way this is on my magician Irth.

Also, I went and gathered the 4 pieces again and the coordinator no longer accepts them. Galia de`Barra now talks with me about a new part of the quest. This brings in about 3 other NPC's to chat with me and it ends up looking like the wizard is going to attack me and then I go LD. I believe it causes the whole zone to crash as when I finally got back in the vendor had only spells when I had just sold things to him before i talked to the NPC.
Man, that is one extravagent error. I'll be playing around with this and trying to get it fixed, I have no idea why that's crashing the zone. The "Line: 0, File: none | error C0001: 'summonitem' : function does not take 1 parameter(s)" is because of a typo; I'll get your item (the class-appropriate wrist) to you as soon as possible.
We hopefully found the problem with the zone crashing, I uploaded a new version of the quest file for the NPC.
Looks like there's unfortunately still a zone crash issue with the script. I'll take a thorough look at it today and will update when it's working properly.
Thanks for getting me the bracer! Unfortunatly when you had me try the next part of the quest again it had the same response - Zone Crash :(

edit- oh cool, sorry didn't see that you'd already reposted. Thanks! Will wait patiently
Pretty much. On the upside, it isn't a scripting error par se--I figured out what was doing it earlier today, so it shouldn't be much longer.

edit: Fixed the zone-crashy bug. The things aren't kos--normally they'd attack as soon as they spawn--so lucky you! Otherwise, you should be able to progress.
Hmm, i proceeded to the next step and ended up with some wizard only and enchanter only shoes after killing the two enraged NPC's, but the quest does not even hint at what to do now. Is that the end? or am I supposed to figure out who to give the shoes to? Also, the NPC's didnt even attack me, I had attacked them.
Right, like I said, they're supposed to attack you. They're also not supposed to die (they're supposed to flee at 20%), with some text and whatnot explaining what to do; this was a quick fix to let you progress while I fiddle with the other bits. Take their gear back to your guildmaster to continue the quest, and PM me if you have any other questions.
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