Quest Broken (maybe)


Dalayan Beginner
The 2nd quest in Grobb for Shadowknights, I believe, is broken. I've collected all of the items requested and the urn will not combine. Here is the entire thing said by the quest giver (Spirit Talker Grekel).

Spirit Talker Grekel Grips the bar tightly, squinting at you as if seeing into your soul, To fight in the mundane world of the physical is simple enough, to prove your faith you must combat your doubts and fears within your soul, many squire's cannot face this challenge. Since you are not trained to reach the spirit world yourself you will require my aid to reach it, that is the simple portion of the test. Take this urn into the Bog and gather together the following ingredients - two mushroom caps from the small mushroom men, the blood of a leech, the poison gland of a snake, an alligator tail and finally a piece of dreamweave moss found growing in the bog. Seal the ingredients in the urn and return it to me, from the mixture I will finish the elixir which will send you to the realm of spirits. From there you must find your own way.

I have gathered all of the quest items.
2 Heady Mushroom Caps (or Fungus Spores, I don't know which will work)
1 Leech Blood
1 Snake Poison Gland
1 Alligator Tail
1 Dreamweave Moss

Nothing is being stacked just so you know.

I've tried many combinations of the 2 mushroom caps which I believe to be the problem of the quest.

If any more information is required, please let me know because this quest is very frustrating.

Oh and on a side note, if I log off for some reason with anything inside the urn, they will disappear but the urn is still there.

I have the same problem combining the items, and ive also seen the problem where the combine container will "loose" all the items in it, then it will appear inside another container/bag. I deleted one of these that was bugged, and it later appeared back with all the items in it. Although i wouldnt recommend trying that.

The Iksar monk test of water is also not working for me, I collected 2 froglok skins and 2 eyes, but the NPC eats the eyes then gives me back the skins. Am i collecting the correct item? Two green Froglok Skin sheets?
papitas said:
The Iksar monk test of water is also not working for me, I collected 2 froglok skins and 2 eyes, but the NPC eats the eyes then gives me back the skins. Am i collecting the correct item? Two green Froglok Skin sheets?

I'm also having trouble with the very first Iksar monk quest. The only vaguely "slippery hide"-like item that I've found from the tadpoles is the generic froglok skin. However, these get returned by the NPC. The fact that tadpoles are relatively rare spawns in Stinger's Bog compounds the problem, since if there is a rare drop from the tadpoles, it's not really feasible to collect them. I'm level 9, and been making trips back to the newbie area to comb it for tadpoles, and still have not seen anything that might complete this quest dropped by the tadpoles.
Ive killed atleast 30+ froglok tadpoles and havent seen one item drop that would be part of this quest besides the skin that doesent work. Even 50+ adult frogloks dont seem to drop anything useful. /threadhijack

The SK combine is a little vague too, but i cant find any other items to fit the combine besides the ones listed above. Its not cool being stuck on this quest and unable to progress =/

I give up on this they are definately shot =/ Ive tried every possible combination of items close to the quest and nothing works. The shaman combine for the newbie armor quest or whatever is also shot. This totally kills the fun factor of the game when no quests will work =/ Time to move on to something else i guess.
I believe that this quest was under revision in June (and you know what that means), so I'll mention it to Killspree again and see if we can't get things rolling, if they aren't already.
The above quests are suffering for a few issues and will be fixed as soon as possible. Please be patient while we work them out, and I'll let you know when things are functioning properly.

I have also had the problem with items being deleted and my quest container ending up inside another container with the Barbarian Beastlord armor quest. Although mine doesn't just happen when I log, but every time I zone! I have just made a mental note to not leave ANYTHING important in the quest container when I am zoning. I do hope this glitch gets fixed soon.
I've had the bag in bag bug, I know what causes it, it's lore containers if you hail and go through quest dialogue to receive it, multiple times, and you don't have a main inventory slot open before a bag, then the first available slot is inside of a bag, so it destroys the current bag if you haven't already deleted it, upon zoning, and gives you a new bag, as many times per zone, as you have hailed and gone through the dialogue, and sometimes, if you zone and you don't keep the bag, and have a main inventory slot open, it'll give you back the first bag it destroyed... o.0 case in point

Karilliss has a corpse harvester bag or some such, from someone like azarch screechand in bag slot one, no problem, he also has an old wooden box with a couple of various items in it worth a few gold, that is for 10 fungus spores from Spiritspeaker Notab just outside the shadowknight guild in grobb, and doesn't remember that's where he got it, so he hails the shaman guildmaster and goes through some dialogue, and suddenly when looking in his inventory, one bag slot is missing, I hail the guy and go through the dialogue a couple more times, one time he says he tried to give me something but my hands are full, I look through my bags, and find in a slot, a box, I right click it and I have a bag in a bag that's open o.0 Anyway, empty box, lost a couple items, so I sigh sadly, and delete it. Zone out to the marsh, and "you cannot forage while your hands are full" I look in my bag, the box is back, and this time a few no drop items are still in it, while in the other bag, so I take it out, I take the items out of it, glad to have them back, and delete the box because it's buggy, and go back into Grobb to hand in the quest items that I just got back, after deleting the box again, well I keep zoning and keep getting the box back in the bag the number of times I had gone through the quest dialogue. Rather annoying.

Anyway, after completing the quest where I lost some of the items for it, I'm also on the second Iksar SK quest in grobb, and cannot find any combination of items that will successfully combine in the urn >< long post, and sorry to revive an old topic, but just wanted to agree, seems broken'ish

because I have also gathered
2 Heady Mushroom Caps (or Fungus Spores, or Fungus Flesh, I don't know which will work)
1 Leech Blood (or black giant leech ichor blood)
1 Snake Poison Gland (or snake oil)
1 Alligator Tail (or stunned alligator for beastlord newbie quest)
1 Dreamweave Moss (do we need one that spawns somewhere with a lore tag or something instead of just regular?)

Karilliss Vanoth
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