Quest: Brigand Heads


Dalayan Beginner
I recently completed Newport Ring 5 (worked great, thanks!). During the cleansing, I collected several plague worshipper and plague priest heads. After we were done, I looked over what I collected and to my suprise I only had one of each head in my inventory. The Brigand Head quest requires that I turn in two of each head. This will be very difficult to do if I cannot loot more than one each.

Next steps: I will leave my current heads in the bank and try to loot one more each and see if that works. Also, instead of right click looting, I will left click and place the head in a bag.
I ran into this same issue with puma meats. If you left click and drop in a new slot it's fine. There was some bug with right clicking to auto loot.
Awesome, thanks for the info! I'll be sure to do that when we go to finish the rings for the rest of my buds.
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