(Racial/class based faction issue with the quest for discussion, not an actual problem with the quest)
Quest: Assisting the Centaur (Centaur Hills) / Voice of the Centaur
NPC: Warden Tarval (Surefall Glade protectors or residents faction) / Helleron of the Plains (Centaur)
<For discussion> Class: Warriors (and potentially others)
Problem: It seems all warriors are "dubious" (or worse) with Surefall Glade Protectors/Residents, and as a result, the quest cannot be completed.
a. Talk to Warden: No quest text since dubious.
b. Talk to Centaur: Successful due to indifferent faction.
c. <Complete "killing and acquire items portion of quest">
d. Give Items / Talk to Centaur: Successful, receive quest item.
e. Talk to Warden / Give quest item: Cannot be completed due to dubious faction.
I started the quest knowing of a warning that an Ogre warrior had made that he couldn't complete it. I figured "I am a Wood Elf, we are friendly with nature, Surefall Glade should like me better than they do Ogres." Yet, I am dubious as well. (Thus, no quest reward.)
However, the follow-up quest "Voice of the Centaur" can be (apparently, haven't done it since I don't want the quest item...see below) completed (and receive an item/xp) since it runs directly from the centaur themselves.
Suggestions for the quests:
1. Change the quests to run directly from the centaur so people who help the centaur can be rewarded. (Instead of depending on Surefall Glade to provide the reward.)
2. Add shadowknight as a usable class for the reward (Darkwood Long Bow) for the quest reward for "Assisting the Centaur." (To put the quest in-line with the follow-up quest "Voice of the Centaur" and the reward of a bow with the same name as the quest.) <Note: Shadowknights can apparently use the bow from the second quest...why not the first?>
3. Add the other classes who can use bows to the usable class list for the bows. (Rogue comes to mind.) The centaurs want help dealing with a problem from the city, why do they care who gives it? (As long as you don't bring corruption yourself, etc....)
4. Change the proc on the bow "Voice of the Centaur" to a single target DD instead of the current AoE rain. (To make the second bow usable in most settings.) At present, the bow, in my opinion, is useless except for Rangers who want to AoE kite. (As the AoE has a chance of or does break mezes, roots, etc...all forms of group crowd control.) Further, it cannot be used for pulling in most dungeons due to AoE dmg and the potential to go through walls/dungeon floors.
The obvious answer to fix this quest would be for the character to up their Surefall Glade faction. However, after speaking with various people and doing research on the Wiki myself, it seems this is impossible to do unless one is of a relatively high level.
Quest: Assisting the Centaur (Centaur Hills) / Voice of the Centaur
NPC: Warden Tarval (Surefall Glade protectors or residents faction) / Helleron of the Plains (Centaur)
<For discussion> Class: Warriors (and potentially others)
Problem: It seems all warriors are "dubious" (or worse) with Surefall Glade Protectors/Residents, and as a result, the quest cannot be completed.
a. Talk to Warden: No quest text since dubious.
b. Talk to Centaur: Successful due to indifferent faction.
c. <Complete "killing and acquire items portion of quest">
d. Give Items / Talk to Centaur: Successful, receive quest item.
e. Talk to Warden / Give quest item: Cannot be completed due to dubious faction.
I started the quest knowing of a warning that an Ogre warrior had made that he couldn't complete it. I figured "I am a Wood Elf, we are friendly with nature, Surefall Glade should like me better than they do Ogres." Yet, I am dubious as well. (Thus, no quest reward.)
However, the follow-up quest "Voice of the Centaur" can be (apparently, haven't done it since I don't want the quest item...see below) completed (and receive an item/xp) since it runs directly from the centaur themselves.
Suggestions for the quests:
1. Change the quests to run directly from the centaur so people who help the centaur can be rewarded. (Instead of depending on Surefall Glade to provide the reward.)
2. Add shadowknight as a usable class for the reward (Darkwood Long Bow) for the quest reward for "Assisting the Centaur." (To put the quest in-line with the follow-up quest "Voice of the Centaur" and the reward of a bow with the same name as the quest.) <Note: Shadowknights can apparently use the bow from the second quest...why not the first?>
3. Add the other classes who can use bows to the usable class list for the bows. (Rogue comes to mind.) The centaurs want help dealing with a problem from the city, why do they care who gives it? (As long as you don't bring corruption yourself, etc....)
4. Change the proc on the bow "Voice of the Centaur" to a single target DD instead of the current AoE rain. (To make the second bow usable in most settings.) At present, the bow, in my opinion, is useless except for Rangers who want to AoE kite. (As the AoE has a chance of or does break mezes, roots, etc...all forms of group crowd control.) Further, it cannot be used for pulling in most dungeons due to AoE dmg and the potential to go through walls/dungeon floors.
The obvious answer to fix this quest would be for the character to up their Surefall Glade faction. However, after speaking with various people and doing research on the Wiki myself, it seems this is impossible to do unless one is of a relatively high level.
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