QoL suggestion: Items used in tradeskills eqstr_us modification and item flags


Dalayan Adventurer
Something that would be more user friendly to new (and old) players in identifying dropped loot that tradeskillers might buy, would be to have those items actually say they are used in tradeskills.

This could be accomplished by using the already existing tradeskills flag on items (which currently adds to the item infobox "This item is made with tradeskills."

I suggest changing this string to "This item is tradeskill related." and flagging both tradeskill materials and products with this. Currently products already have the flag. Or, the more work option, would be to only have the flag on tradeskill materials and have the string as "This is a tradeskill material."

The string is 9067 in eqstr_us.txt

9067 This item is made with tradeskills. -----> This item is tradeskill related.
We talked about this post and this is an interesting idea but that tradeskills flag has some other uses in the backend, other than just the client-facing tag in the game, which would keep us from being able to add it to tradeskill ingredients. Another point that was mentioned was that putting that tag on items would potentially spoil new or undiscovered tradeskill recipes.
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