Problems with the dream quest - suggestion for a new quest


Dalayan Beginner
Well, I did the unthinkable...I killed the translocator. Actually I killed him alot. All of them. Many times.

Now my faction with The Neutral is KOS, and guess who The Neutral are? Transloactors, Town Criers, and the nice folks who give the dream quest. I have become an outcast to the dream world, because if I try and approach one of them to do the quest they reply with "You have died...Returning to bind point." Thus, it has become impossible for me to do any of the main quest. Theoretically I cannot do my starfalls now either, but they are done so it isn't much of a problem.

I suggest some sort of long and difficult quest that can be done by a player to regain faction with the Neutral. It shouldn't be a cake walk, and it should span many zones and take quite a bit of time, but there are many players who, in their newbie days, let curiosity take over and have killed a town crier 400 times in a row or gotten their pet to assault a translocator, and those players deserve a chance to regain the faction they have lost to participate in the main quest that is central to the lore of the game. Maybe a bounty is due to the leader of the neutral, or they need several special ingrediants from all across Dalaya to help perfect their translocation magic.

Also, a quest could be incorporated where upon doing a certain set of tasks for the Neutral or attaining a certain level of faction, Translocation becomes discounted or even free? Thats just a thought though.

Well, for now I'm going to suffer the dregs of my poor decision making and get assaulted by very hard hitting mobs whenever I go in the wrong building in the wrong zone, but it is something to think about.

BTW, I'm zorlaft zancari in game, and

Go to Lake Starfall and talk to the Redemptionist to fix Neutral faction.

You screwed up, now fix your mistake.
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