Problems right-clicking and holding for mouselook/item descr


Dalayan Beginner
Since I started playing SoD, I've had a problem with my right-clicks not holding while I keep the right mouse button pressed. For instance, if I'm mouselooking around the screen, the client will see it as if I've been repeatedly letting go and repressing the button, resulting in inspects, loots, and loss of mouselook direction. In the spellbook view, if I'm trying to look at a spell description, 99% of the time it will mark the spell for movement to another slot because of the right-click issue.

Is anyone else having this problem and what can I do about it?

I have a Logitech USB optical mouse using the native WinXP drivers. The mouse is fully functional in any other's only the EQ client that does this.
[url] said:
[/url] * Right click on the "My Computer" icon.
* Select "Properties" from the menu.
* Click on the "Device Manager" tab.
* Open the entry for "Mouse."
* Select the "Driver" tab.
* Hit "Update/Change Driver."
* Click the "Next" button.
* Select "Display A List of Drivers."
* Hit "Show All Drivers."
* Choose "Standard PS/2 Port Mouse", "Standard Serial Mouse", "Microsoft PS/2 Port Mouse", or "Microsoft Serial Mouse". You may have to experiment with the different options to find the one that works best for you.
This did not clear up the problem. I have a USB mouse, not PS/2, so I only had one driver option. If I select a driver for a serial or PS/2 mouse, it will simply stop working.

I downloaded and installed new drivers from Logitech, this still did not fix it.

Any other ideas?
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