Problematic Video Cards


Dalayan Adventurer
I have been looking into upgrading my video card recently. Currently, I have an ATI Radeon HD 3650. The only issue i have with this one is the lack of target rings, a problem I have never seen as being enough of a hindrance to bother trying to fix.

I used to play SoD a few years back on a laptop with a nvidia card, not really sure now which one specifically. With that card, I never had any graphic issues of any kind.

I have heard in game, and noticed on the forums, that some cards appear to have issues, specifically with strange textures, boat glitches, and 1st person graphical tearing. I have scanned the forums a bit, but havent found a simple list of cards that give people issues, so I figured I'd start one and see where it goes.

If you have a video card which has given you problems, especially major problems like the 1st person tearing or others, and you have tried hard to resolve these issues with no success, please simply list the card and problem/s in a clear concise manner, i.e. -

ATI Radeon HD 3650, no target ring.

This could prove to be a useful tool for those of us upgrading/replacing our card.
(note: I have not tried to fix the target ring issue, so disregard my above example, as far as I know it may be an easy fix)

8500GT ~ graphic glitch such as the first person and when near a mob you see a ton of its texture. Target ring fix that is stickied does fix it though. Another problem is you crash sometimes when loading a second box. I have crashed when loading second box a ton and at least twice it BSOD me cause of it.
GTX280 - 1st person combat and clipping graphic bug (What Furrygamer described)
Think it's also known as 8800 bug.
You can use 3Danalyze to fix the graphical errors caused by newer cards, google it, download it, run it and under the Hardware Limit (cap bits) section check "emulate TnL caps". Now to get this to work correctly I create two .bat files, one that works as a shortcut and the other that bypass the patcher and starts SoD.

For the desktop shortcut .bat, open notepad and copy and paste this code. Name this SoD.bat and save it in your SoD folder.

"C:\3DA\3DAnalyze.exe" /EXE=C:\SoD\startSoD.bat
Adjust the file path accordingly. After this is done create a shortcut to your desktop.

Open notepad again and create another .bat with the following code. Name this startSoD.bat

c:\sod\eqgame.exe patchme
Again if SoD is installed somewhere else adjust the file path. Place this .bat in your SoD directory so the other .bat we created first can find it.

In 3D analyze look to the left side of the window and under the file section click Select and find your SoD.bat. Now all you have to do is click run or any other time click the StartSoD.bat and it'll run 3Danalyze and SoD at the same time. Don't forget to periodically patch SoD normally.
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Thank you for the advice, however, this thread is meant to be simply a list of problematic video cards. Please do not post more than a simple mention of your video card and the problem you have with it. Advice for solving issues should be posted elsewhere, thank you.
Thank you for the advice, however, this thread is meant to be simply a list of problematic video cards. Please do not post more than a simple mention of your video card and the problem you have with it. Advice for solving issues should be posted elsewhere, thank you.

There was already a list like this created by Woldo a while ago, and on that note this whole section of the forums needs a clean-up, there's too many threads asking the same question and no obvious stickies with the right information.

But to add to the list, the EVGA 9800gtx+ superclocked vers. causes the usual texture mismatch and crazy disco colors.
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I have the nVidia GeForce 9500GT and am also experiencing the tearing issue in first person and near other characters. The target ring is working fine.
tearing issue is fixed for me with the above steps. Now though I have some very heavy stuttering so are there options in the 3D analyze program that can fix the stuttering. I am not liking the option of choosing between stuttering and tearing kinda bums me out.

I'm having some of the graphics glitches that using the 3D analyzer should fix, but I can't get it to work for me.

I've created the two batch files, changing for the variation in path names. The 3D analyzer opens, and it does have the particular batch file listed for starting SoD, but when I press "RUN" you can see the small black screen of the bat opening.. then nothing happens. Any ideas?
Geforce 9600 GT 1st person glitch, Target Rings and everything else works. No crashing due to video card.
I'm having some of the graphics glitches that using the 3D analyzer should fix, but I can't get it to work for me.

I've created the two batch files, changing for the variation in path names. The 3D analyzer opens, and it does have the particular batch file listed for starting SoD, but when I press "RUN" you can see the small black screen of the bat opening.. then nothing happens. Any ideas?

You can't use EQWin with this work around. Make sure to uncheck it on the SoD patcher.
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