Problem with the Silvercrown: Trader Valner Directives Quest


Dalayan Beginner
Trader Valner tells me to talk to one cook, one lumberjack, one blacksmith, one tailor and five solders. I have tried to show (give) the directives to those listed at least 5 times and he still tells me I need to talk to them. The lumberjacks are the only ones on the list that don't give the message "Thanks, I imaging you need to show this to the others as well."

Thanks in advance...
Baurkron said:
Trader Valner tells me to talk to one cook, one lumberjack, one blacksmith, one tailor and five solders. I have tried to show (give) the directives to those listed at least 5 times and he still tells me I need to talk to them. The lumberjacks are the only ones on the list that don't give the message "Thanks, I imaging you need to show this to the others as well."

Thanks in advance...

Yea.... I had that problem as well. Then I realized there seems to be one key lumberjack you need to get it to. Try giving it to ALL of them until you get that confirm message.
Last night I tried all the ones I could find (3 or 4 of them). However, today I logged in and the 1st one I gave it to gave me the confirm message. :dance:

Last night the lumberjacks where humans and this morning they where ogres.

Thanks again...
Bump. This is still a problem. I gave the directive to all 4 lumberjacks that were up just now, 3pm game time. All human. None responded, and I wasn't able to complete the quest. I'm guessing the ones that do respond are only up at night or something; I'll check back when I can.

Hopefully this can be fixed.
OK, it worked, thanks Wiz!

Next problem: I did the northern expedition quest given by Sergeant Aleroth and returned and got my faction experience. He now won't respond when i do /cmd D1 ("Do you have any work for me?") even though he prompts me for it. Are you supposed to be able to do both of the quests he offers originally?
had the same problem a few days ago. Wasnt really a big deal as i just farmed the hell out of the grizzlies and panthers to get my faction up..

just posting to confirm that once u finished the "north expedition" quest you cant prompt the Sergeant for the "South Expedition" anymore, even if you give him the quest text about south expedition, he doesnt respond anymore.
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