Problem with the casting timer



I just started a character for the first time on the server yesterday and before I get started I wanted to say that I think you all have done a great job. What I've seen so far I really like. So a big thank you to all who make this server possible.

Now, on to the purpose of my post. I made a half-elf bard and I have noticed that when casting my songs the casting timer will begin running down but then dissappear, making it look like I fizzled but I actually didn't. If I wait the remainder of the 3 seconds the song will take effect. I didn't notice this when I was just using my first song. But once I started twisting is when this seemed to happen. (I don't know if it was just me not paying attention when I was only using one song though). Nonetheless, it makes twisting even more difficult than it normally is because of the added concentration involved. I was mainly wondering if this is just a problem on my end, if this is a bug that should be reported, or if it is already a widely known issue. I wasn't able to find anything else on the forums in regards to this so I thought I would ask.

Something else I wanted to mention. Every time the Chant of Battle song pulses there is a spell sound effect that goes with it. When for the first few levels that's mainly all you're playing it can really get rather annoying, and there is also the fact that the sound effect used doesn't really seem to fit. What is the best method to go about submitting my suggestion to have that sound effect removed?

Thank you so much in advance for any assistance.
Sorry, the above was posted by me. I thought I was logged in but apparently I wasn't. :(
The casting bar problem for bards is a total pain, but it has to do with something or other that cannot be fixed at this time. (Previous posts about that conclude with: get used to it.) The bard sound effects are plague-like. I think one of them is on the AE resist song and having that pulse on raids is killer if you have sound on. (Something I have had off more often then not lately.) But, Back when I played a bard often, I would use the sound cues to know when to twist in the next song.
Level 37 bard here... I too have this occur with me; however, I read the previous post a while back about it.

You do get used to it, I watch my charcter animate the song before moving onto the next one.

Or if I'm really needing to twist well, I will watch the line of text in the chat box for the song effect and move onto the next song. Yes, it's a pain, but yes, you get used to it. =)
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